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We value your privacy, all information provided by you to Resource Property Management ishandled carefully and confidentially.

Personal data is handled in accordance with the law. As of May 25, 2018, we comply with the Data Protection Act and GDPR (also known as General Data Protection Regulation).

You can read the privacy statement for more information

Resource Property Management offers information about how personal data is processed by or on behalf of the company and only applies to visitors to the website and customers of the company. Resource Property Management does not apply this privacy statement to thirdparty websites, such as websites or apps that it refers to in its website and emails.

Resource Property Management recommends consulting the privacy policies of these third parties at their respective websites. Identity of Resource Property Management Resource Property Management is responsible under the Data Protection Act and – with effect from 25 May 2018 – under the General Data Protection Regulation. The privacy statement purpose is to provide information about the collection and processing of personal data by or on behalf of Resource Property Management . Resource Property Management is known under Companies Registration number Resource Property Management has its registered office address Maiden Street, Newcastle West, Co Limerick V42 XE27 and can be reached on the email address:

How do we collect personal data?

Resource Property Management receives information and data from you through the following ways: By entering into an agreement with us, contacting us via email, by visiting our website, by telephone or in writing, or signing up for Resource Property Management newsletter.

Through our own website: in order to conduct, improve, and register our services, we collect a variety of information through our website, by the use of cookies, among other things. Third-party services may be used by us.

When we use these services, they act on behalf of Resource Property Management. When these third parties act as processors for Resource Property Management, this privacy statement will also apply to the data collected from these third parties. The collection of data carried out by third parties does not fall under our responsibility. For more information on these third parties’ privacy policies, please visit their websites.

What personal data do we collect?

Resource Property Management may process personal data about you because you use the services of Resource Property Management and/or because you provide it to Resource Property Management yourself when you fill in a contact form on the website. Below are the types of personal data can be processed by Resource Property Management: Information about your name, address, your phone number, email address, and date of birth, occupation, proof of income.

The information you provide to us when you post, buy, participate in any contest or questionnaire such as searching for property through Resource Property Management, whether you communicate with us via email or phone, entry form, employ or personal notification services for example through property alerts, as a result you may supply us with information such as your name, address and contact number.

Any information you provide when applying for a job with us, such as your CV, application, and any other relevant information.

Why do we collect personal information about you?

Any non-personal data collected from visitors to our website that can be identifiable by the users demographic, user IP address and any anonymous statistical data involving the use of the Resource Property Management Website. This information helps us to obtain an understanding of the geographic location of our users and also will help us to continuously improve the design and organise our website.

Examples of information we collect and analyse include the internet protocol IP address that is used by your computer to connect to the internet, the login, email address and the computer connections for example the browser type and version of operating system and its platform, any purchase history that can be similar to other customers that will create features the URL, date and time, products, vehicles, cookie number.

The purpose of Resource Property Management processing of personal data obtained in the first instance is to fulfil the agreement that is concluded with the customer in order to offer services and information, on our website, and in our physical location, as well as for internal administration purposes. In more detail, we ask for your personal data to help us: This helps the company establish, maintain and improve contractual relationships with its (potential) customers, and to improve its services. Legal obligations are applied and implemented. In order to analyse the buying and visitor behaviour on our website, and physical office and compare it with other (similar) agents/services with which we have an active or passive relationship. We are happy to provide you with promotions, offers, tips and information by email and/or mail.

The documents purpose is to give purchase-related information like user guides, tips, warranties, receipts, and related products. Email newsletters may be sent by Resource Property Management. You will find you can unsubscribe by using the link at the bottom of each newsletter if you’d no longer like to receive them. Your personal data is not used for any purposes other than what has been described in the above.

You can always choose not to provide information that may be required to complete a purchase, or to take advantage of the Resource Property Management Features.

Who do we share your personal data with?

The companies associated with Resource Property Management, its clients, and subcontractors (such as processors) performing services for us or performing assignments, suppliers, government agencies, and other business contacts may share your personal data with them.

It may be necessary for Resource Property Management to provide your details due to a statutory requirement or in response to a request from authorities. In accordance with European legislation, Resource Property Management has taken the necessary organisational and contractual measures to secure the processing and protection of personal data.

What cookies do we apply?

Cookies are used on our website to save technical information. A cookie is a small information file left on your device by a website, and it allows our website to track your activities. Cookies, for example, allow us to track: Visitors’ IP addresses; Visit date and time; Visitor’s referring URL (the site from which they came); Visited pages on our website; The type and version of the browser used, as well as the operating system. Cookies and technical information are used to enhance your experience on our website The website will be optimized for performance and user experience. Cookies can be placed by Resource Property Management itself as well as by third parties with whom Resource Property Management collaborates.

The RPM Property website places the following types of cookies: Functional cookies The website functions properly and provides requested services only through the use of cookies placed by Resource Property Management. We use these cookies to save certain user settings, to store any log-in information, and to improve the website’s user-friendliness. Analytical cookies In order to improve the experience and quality of the website, Resource Property Management utilises analytical cookies, such as the Google Analytics cookie. These track, among other things, how many people view a site, which pages they visit, and how long they stay there.

We use the collected data to improve the service and to customize the website content to meet the requests an needs of our customers. In order to use Google Analytics, Resource Property Management has signed a processor agreement with Google. By signing this agreement, Google Analytics cookies will be set in a privacy-friendly manner.

No permission has been given by Resource Property Management for Google to use information obtained through Resource Property Management for other services provided by google. Tracking or advertising cookies Cookies that collect data about website users’ (internet) behaviour are called tracking cookies. In order to use our website optimally, these tracking cookies are used. The cookies, for example, record information about the user’s visit so that relevant information, such as filling in any forms or presenting ads that match the user’s (search) profile, can be used on a subsequent visit. Disabling Cookies You can set your browser to reject all cookies or to alert you when a cookie is sent; however, most browsers are set to accept cookies by default.

Some services and features on our site and other websites will not function correctly if cookies are disabled within your browser. Social media By selecting any of the social media buttons on our website, you can share information on social media. Social media may place cookies through these buttons. We do not control how these parties use the information. Their use and provision of the information is their responsibility. This use is governed by the privacy policies and general terms and conditions of the relevant social media.

Sale of Business:

We do reserve the right to transfer personal information to a third party in the event of a sale, merger, liquidation, receivership or transfer of all or substantially all assets of a company on the proviso that the third party adheres to the terms of the Website Privacy Statement and providing that the personal data that the third party for the purposes that you provided it to us. You will be notified in the eventuality of any such transfer and afforded the opportunity
to opt-out.

Personal data is held on secure servers hosted by our Internet Service Provider. Due to the nature of the internet is such that we can not guarantee or arrant the security of any information you transmit to us via the internet. No data transmission using the internet can guarantee 100% of security, we do take precautions and request that any personal information is submitted using a third party website called Planet Verify, this site is GDPR complaint and their you can read their privacy policy at

Updating of your personal information.

If your personal data changes under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 we will update/delete your Personal Data accordingly, please email to find out what personal data we hold on your or to update your personal data.

Conditions of Use and Revisions

This policy is governed by the laws of Ireland, if you have any concerns relating to the Resource Property Management privacy policy please email us at

Due to the nature of the business or Resource Property it will change constantly and therefore our privacy policy will also change. We may email reminders periodically of our notices and conditions unless you have given instruction for us not too.

Unless we have stated otherwise, our current privacy policy does apply to all information we have about you and your account.

We will not change any of our policies to make it any less protective for our customer past and present

How long do we keep your data? Unless there is a statutory obligation for retention, Resource Property Management does not store your data longer than necessary for the execution of the agreements and in any case for more than 24 months after termination of the agreement. The cancellation of a customer card or un-subscribe from a newsletter is considered the termination of an agreement in this case.

If you do not wish to receive email or other mail notifications from Resource Property Management please email

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